Lets join the campaign against malnutrition

On Saturday, a nationwide campaign against malnutrition was launched under the theme the 1,000 days against malnutrition.  Different speakers called for a concerted approach  to address malnutrition in the country.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

On Saturday, a nationwide campaign against malnutrition was launched under the theme the 1,000 days against malnutrition.  Different speakers called for a concerted approach  to address malnutrition in the country. It was observed that Rwanda is blessed with  the necessary food varieties that make a balanced diet but many people and especially children lack proper nutrition.Indeed it will require concerted efforts from all stakeholders to ensure that families understand the importance of having a balanced diet in the homes. The right information on how to grow the right foods will go a long way in stamping out malnutrition in families. Some farmers keep the best produce for sale, leaving little for their families.Initiatives like the kitchen gardens are important and should be encouraged in families. Close follow up should be made to ensure that families endeavour to eat a balanced diet.The campaign will also be looking at breaking some cultural barriers which entrench malnutrition in communities. As stated by the Prime Minister, poor feeding has far reaching effects on  the normal growth of children. This is not something that we desire, and we have the necessary tools to overcome it.If all stake holders get on board, diseases and impairments associated with poor feeding will be history.  The 1000 days of the campaign against malnutrition should be supported by every citizen.