Police cautions motorists

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — The Rubavu district Police commander, superintendent Helmen Murayire has cautioned motorists against breaking road safety rules, in order to prevent accidents.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


RUBAVU — The Rubavu district Police commander, superintendent Helmen Murayire has cautioned motorists against breaking road safety rules, in order to prevent accidents.

While addressing motorists in Gisenyi town recently, Murayire attributed recent accidents in the area to abuse of traffic rules.

He noted that the Police have for the last two months registered many traffic offenses related to violations of traffic laws.

The offenses have resulted into a number of fatal accidents which claimed about twelve people. 

"We have had many accidents in the last two months. There is one that took place on Friday July 4 which claimed lives of three people and left others injured when a taxi that was carrying 17 passengers from Kigali rammed into a UN truck at Jenda,” he said.

Murayire continued that a few days later, a high speeding lorry which is said to have lost its brakes killed eight pedestrians on spot near Gisenyi main Hospital among whom were women and children.

He explained that over speeding and negligence of motorists were the main causes of most accidents in Gisenyi.

He called upon motorists to be mindful not only to their lives, but also for the safety of the innocent passengers and other road users.

"We need an accident-free society. You should be a ware of basic road safety rules. Never drink and drive, avoid speed and motor cyclists should use helmets and be sensitive to protect other road users,” he said.

In a bid to curb down the increasing accidents in the area, the police recently banned cyclists from the main roads in town.

Traffic Police Commander Robert Niyonshuti, while on his recent tour of the district called upon traffic police to work harder reduce accidents in the areas.

Appearing on Rubavu Community Radio he also appealed to drivers to respect traffic rules.

"Unlike other upcountry roads, Kigali-Gisenyi road is some times busy with heavy vehicles carrying goods from Goma to Kigali. That’s why drivers should avoid any thing that can lead to accidents such as high speed, and answering phone calls (while driving),” he said.
