Don’t let distractions steal your ideas, time and energy

Every day there are many distracters that come our way and there are so many that if we do not identify and resist them, then we would end up losing focus on our dreams.

Sunday, September 29, 2013
Robert Bake Tumuhaise

Every day there are many distracters that come our way and there are so many that if we do not identify and resist them, then we would end up losing focus on our dreams.Allow me give you this quick exercise. Get a pen and a piece of paper and try writing the letters A, B, C, D and E, while simultaneously counting 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. I don’t know what you’ve just experienced, but for me it was total confusion. I messed up both the letters and the numbers. This is evidence that, for an ordinary mind, it’s not easy to effectively do several tasks at ago. In the case of the above exercise, writing distracted me from counting correctly, while at the same time counting distracted me from writing correctly. So I neither did both effectively. Thus, when it comes to work and business, it is important that we set priorities, focus on them, and distance ourselves from all distractions.Distractions can be those good things of this world that divert us from the right path. Often, they come to us in form of pleasures that waste our time, money or energy. For instance, boozing or smoking may start as a small enjoyable leisure activity until it becomes an addiction and holds you hostage.Sometimes distraction can come from our friends. You start a business and they assure you there are more profitable businesses and you begin to feel like you made a mistake. Friends can also distract you by filling your mind with what’s so irrelevant to your dream. For instance, if you stay amidst friends who talk about nothing but politics or soccer, how will you learn more business, about talent development, about new skills, Surprisingly, distractions can even come from our families. If your relatives have been causing you to over compromise your principles, values and set goals, be careful. You could have a husband who begins to frustrate you the moment you start thinking out of the box, so that you do not become too successful for him to control. You could be having a wife who influences you to spend like you are an ATM. Watch out!What are those distractions that often make you lose focus? You start building a house and another project comes in, you end up leaving the house half-way. You save money to buy land, but another attractive idea pastes itself in, and you end up diverting the money. You purpose to resign and start your own business, but your boss gets word and instantly increases your salary or gives you a promotion.Personally, I learnt the hard way. I allowed distractions steal my ideas, time and energy until I discovered the secret. It’s now coming to 10 years since I made a decision never again to allow anything or anyone divert me from what I have set my mind on. That way, my business has been able to grow at about 500 per cent per year.Bake is the MD WORLD OF INSPIRATION & Founder, AUTHORS’ FORUM