Industrialists urged to use ‘clean’ production systems

Industrialists have been urged to adopt clean production technologies that protect the environment and ensure sustainable development.

Thursday, September 26, 2013
Improper discharge of untreated industrial affluent destroys environment and is a health hazard.

Industrialists have been urged to adopt clean production technologies that protect the environment and ensure sustainable development.According to experts at the Rwanda Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Centre, the country’s development agenda could be compromised if manufacturers, hoteliers and construction sector players do not adopt resource efficient, sustainable and environmentally-friendly production methods.    Steven Niyonzima, the Rwanda Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Centre national co-ordinator, noted that only production systems that do not hurt the environment can lead to meaningful development."Human development should not occur at the expense of communities and nature. Therefore, firms should devise mechanisms that promote sustainable growth as they drive the country toward its development goals,” he said.Olivier Mbera, an expert at the centre advised the private sector to use waste recycling technologies to maximise resource utilisation.   "We encourage stakeholders to engage in proper waste management, use energy and water efficiency systems to ensure a technologically and environmentally sound business atmosphere,” he said while speaking at an environment workshop in Kigali on Wednesday.The Rwanda Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Centre is promoting innovative ways of production that can reduce resource wastage and conserve the environment for posterity. The drive is supported by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, the United Nations Environment Programme and the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Bruce Musoni, an environmental facilitator at the Chamber of Industries at the Private Sector Federation, advised manufacturers to employ production systems that promote sustainable use of resources and ensure profitability. He argued that when this approach is adopted, it can help protect the environment, as well as ensure sustainable development and efficient resource utilisation.The law requires that projects with identified adverse impact on environment must carry out environmental impact assessment before they are implemented. The Ministerial Order N°004/2008 of 15/08/2008 establishes the list of works that must adhere to environmental safeguards to mitigate significant impact that could result from execution of projects to avoid ecological damage and large-scale irreversible loss of natural resources. They include construction and repair of international and national roads, large bridges, industries, factories, hydro-dams and electrical lines, public dams for water conservation, rain water harvesting for agricultural activities and artificial lakes, large hotels and public building which accommodate over 100 people daily, as well as extraction of mines and public land fills.