Editors’ forum elects new executive

A new media organization, the Rwanda Editors’ Forum was formed Friday and elected its first executive committee. The meeting which took place at Alpha palace Hotel elected Bosco Rushingabigwi, the director of the Great Lakes Media Centre, a journalists’ training school in Kigali, as the body’s chairman.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A new media organization, the Rwanda Editors’ Forum was formed Friday and elected its first executive committee. The meeting which took place at Alpha palace Hotel elected Bosco Rushingabigwi, the director of the Great Lakes Media Centre, a journalists’ training school in Kigali, as the body’s chairman.

The editors also elected Kennedy Ndahiro of The New Times as vice chairman while Faith Mbabazi of Radio Rwanda became the Secretary of the Forum.

The forum which brings together media professionals from both print and electronic media was formed to promote the core values of the journalism profession in Rwanda.

It also aims to promote greater media freedom, advocate for human rights and strengthen good cooperation in all matters concerning media practitioners in the country.

Speaking after the elections, the Secretary of the High Council of the Press, Patrice Mulama called on journalists to uphold professional ethics and write responsibly.

He asked journalists to regulate and guide themselves instead of waiting for HCP or government to guide them on how to work.

"It is important that media practitioners develop a culture of self regulating. The editors must guide the young in the profession,”Mulama said. He said good journalism hinges on fairness, balance and research.
