World Relief – Rwanda introduces biosand filter technology to Musheri

EASTERN PROVINCE In a bid to solve the problem of drinking dirty water, World Relief Rwanda has introduced a new ‘biosand’ filtering technology to Musheri sector community.

Friday, September 14, 2007


In a bid to solve the problem of drinking dirty water, World Relief Rwanda has introduced a new ‘biosand’ filtering technology to Musheri sector community.

Biosand filter technology uses concrete gravel contained with sand and mixed with chlorine, effectively killing harmful bacteria and introduces the useful bacteria after a period of two weeks.

Greene Myal from the Mercy Hill Bible Church in Michigan, United States, which has collaborated on the project says it will do more than save lives.

"It is an economical technology that will see Musheri secondary and primary schools students benefit from.”

The technology will allow, after being properly setup (a practice that can take up to two weeks), the drinking of water without it being boiled first.

Mercy Hill also donated three water tanks to both Musheri secondary and primary schools, containing over 10,000 litres of water and equipped and fixed with rain trapping systems on all school buildings. The project is worth Frw5 million.
