The power of giving

One day, Twahirwa Ronnie, an Adventist, asked his pastor to pray for him so that he could get a job. His pastor taught him the power of giving without expecting anything in return, referring to the old proverb that tells of how it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

One day, Twahirwa Ronnie, an Adventist, asked his pastor to pray for him so that he could get a job. His pastor taught him the power of giving without expecting anything in return, referring to the old proverb that tells of how it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man.

"I had to practice what I was told. I started giving money to beggars on the streets, and donating to the poor and helping the needy. I did that for a month and God really answered my prayers. I got a well-paying job but I didn’t stop giving. I give my tithe and still help the poor. To my surprise, amazing things happen; whenever I give, I receive,” Twahirwa says.

According to Pastor Moris Rukimbira, a renowned Kigali pastor, giving to the poor, is like lending to the Lord, and the Lord will always pay you back. 

"Helping the poor is such an integral part of Godly living that the Lord even put it into the Mosaic Law,” Rukimbira, says, adding that helping the poor should be a part of a Christian’s life. 

He goes on: "Giving to the poor should not be done for show or approval of others. Jesus assumes that a Christian will be giving to the poor.”

Proverbs 31:9 states: "Speak for them and be a righteous judge, protect the right of the poor and the needy.” 

It is expected that believers will help those in need. Matthew 25 contains a prophetic passage regarding the Judgment of Nations right before the Millennial Reign of Christ.



Aturinda Gloria

I give because God is generous towards me and I also want to be generous to others. Also, Christians have a responsibility to give back to the Lord. 


Mbaraga Ivan

I give because I have found out that the less I give, the more I want. But the more I give, the more I feel satisfied. 


Musoni Mike

I give because I know it’s right. Doing something good is a good feeling. 


Kayiranga Annette

I give because the Bible teaches us that  it’s better to give than to receive. I also give because Christ gave his life for me.