Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia, I am a middle aged married man with three children. My wife whom I love very much is older than me by almost ten years. She is deceived by the fact that she looks much younger than her age, and seems to fall in love with very young men.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a middle aged married man with three children. My wife whom I love very much is older than me by almost ten years.

She is deceived by the fact that she looks much younger than her age, and seems to fall in love with very young men.

It is very disturbing to know that my wife is seen moving with young men all over town. I am in a very tight situation. Please help me. Andrew

Dear Andrew,

As any other human being, when a body lacks something – it asks for it. Your wife is lacking something, and has therefore decided to find it in the wrong places. 

She needs assurance that she is not getting any older, and it seems that she is trying to get that assurance from much younger men than you.

You know of this situation, and it is only right if you approach her with this subject. When we get old, we tend to want assurance from much younger people that we are still in the know and in good shape.

Unfortunately your wife seeks for proof out there which is very embarrassing both to you and your family. You need to broach this subject with your wife, the sooner the better.

You might only know the few that she is moving with, what about the ones that you don’t know? In fact she might be on a rampage which is very dangerous.

When a person is on a sex spree, most of the time they forget about protection, so you have to step in very fast before things go haywire with your health and hers too.

Before you ask her about the young men she is seen with, you first need to discuss with her all the problems you might be having in the family or between the two of you which can be cause of all this.

If there are any problems, you need to solve them. When you have cleared the path that is when you ask her kindly and lovingly about what you have been hearing about her movements with young men all over town.

She might be offended, but you need to show her that you are not accusing her falsely, you must have facts of where she has been seen and with whom and at what time.

If she confirms the rumors, it is only right if you ask her what she misses from you in order that you provide. You know these things happen a lot especially when partners are not on good terms with each other, or when partners have problems especially sexual related.

Talk with her and be ready to provide what she was missing then I am sure she won’t need those young men on the side.
