Govt to establish construction industry regulatory body

The government will establish a construction industry watchdog next year to co-ordinate sector activities.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The government will establish a construction industry watchdog next year to co-ordinate sector activities.According to Peterson Mutabazi, the principle senior engineer at the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Rwanda Construction Industry Council will be charged with regulating and promoting the construction industry. Mutabazi said the council will be the supreme advisory body that will co-ordinate sector actors, monitor construction related activities and implement government policies to ensure the growth of the industry."The council, which will be established under the new national construction policy, will be tasked with training and continuous skills improvement of sector players at all levels, including engineers and construction managers, artisans and other personnel in real estate development,” he said. He added that it will be made up of members from the public, private sectors, research bodies and higher education institutions. "The Ministry of Infrastructure will be responsible for policy implementation and co-ordination, while the permanent secretary will co-ordinate the council business,” he said.