Do we still need women representatives in Parliament?

Editor,I am glad to hear that Rwanda remains the only country in the world with a female dominated parliament. However, I am also worried about our gender inequality/equality policy.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Editor,I am glad to hear that Rwanda remains the only country in the world with a female dominated parliament. However, I am also worried about our gender inequality/equality policy.In fact, I would like to know if we are promoting a female dominated parliament because of its rationality or just for the sake of being in the Guinness Book of Records.Do not get me wrong; I am not saying that our female MPs are not competent. However, I am just wondering the reason behind our country’s pace with regard to empowering our ladies, particularly in parliament.I believe it is a good idea to see political parties promoting equal opportunity, but why should we retain regional female representatives?"An unprecedented 64 per cent of the seats in the Chamber of Deputies” for female, you said in your story. I would rather say "an unprecedented 36 per cent only of the seats in the Chamber of Deputies for male.In conclusion, by promoting gender equality by all means, we are setting two world records: 1-”Rwanda remains the only country in the world with a female dominated parliament”. 2- Rwanda remains the only country in the world with a male underrepresented parliament.I would think those records don`t affect the efficiency and the rationality of our parliament Kudos to The New Times for giving us a such open and wonderful space to share our opinions views.Rwema, UKReactions to the story, "Women take 64% seats in Parliament, The New Times, September 19).