Detractors should not distract you

Editor, from what I have read about the recent parliamentary elections in Rwanda it is clear that Rwandans have just held a smooth and peaceful poll. The proportional representation system of voting seems to be working for the country. I never heard of any serious cases of violations or incidents, which are often synonymous with elections elsewhere.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


From what I have read about the recent parliamentary elections in Rwanda it is clear that Rwandans have just held a smooth and peaceful poll. The proportional representation system of voting seems to be working for the country. I never heard of any serious cases of violations or incidents, which are often synonymous with elections elsewhere.

Yet, a so-called scholar by the name of Filip Reyntjens from Belgium, a country that failed install a head of state for over two years due to its internal intolerable differences, boorishly predicted, on Al Jazeera, that fraud would mar Rwanda’s legislative elections.

I am not Rwandan but I am encouraging the country to give deaf ears to whoever tries to pull it down and focus on building a bright future through the commendable course it has already taken.

Robert, ArushaTanzania

Reaction to the story, "Rwandans in Diaspora in early voting”, (The New Times, September 16)