Kudos to Rwandans for the successful polls

The dust has settled, the excitement has waned and it is back to business as usual after the just concluded parliamentary elections. It seems every round of elections ushers in new and better changes in the organisation, and this year was not different. Innovations were not lacking and the use of integrated Information Communication Technology (ICTs) was at the forefront.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The dust has settled, the excitement has waned and it is back to business as usual after the just concluded parliamentary elections.It seems every round of elections ushers in new and better changes in the organisation, and this year was not different. Innovations were not lacking and the use of integrated Information Communication Technology (ICTs) was at the forefront.

Also officials of the National Electoral Commission (NEC) were at hand to solve whatever hitch was encountered. The voters, and candidates, each played their respective part to conclude what observers said was a peaceful election. The EAC election mission that was in the country to observe the parliamentary elections commended Monday’s general election, saying the entire process was held in a democratic and peaceful manner.In fact the observers  advised other partner states in the region to emulate Rwanda, which they described as a progressive democracy.And there was something more unique about the elections. The voter turn up was massive while  the performance of independent candidates improved compared to the past elections. While from the look of  results, it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for independent candidates to strike a chord with the electorate, their perfomance surpassed the previous elections’.It is true that independent candidates failed to garner the required 5%, to win a seat, but they performed better than independent  candidates in past elections, an encouraging sign that they are making inroads in the traditional political parties dominated field.The young independent candidates exuded confidence in their arguments, ran their campaigns professionally and they got noticed. It is an encouraging sign that the young generation is taking an active part in politics and the country’s future. The NEC team again proved that the smooth running of previous elections was not by accident but the result of dedication and proper planning. It can only get better.