Congolese should stand up and be counted

Editor,  Aren’t there Congolese patriots who are ashamed of their country’s post-independence history – from Katangese involvement in the murder of Patrice Emery Lumumba, through the generalised kleptocracy and alienation of the long Mobutu years to today’s misrule characterised by lack of any public goods, regular mass rapes, killings and looting by the very forces supposed to protect the populace?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Editor,  Aren’t there Congolese patriots who are ashamed of their country’s post-independence history – from Katangese involvement in the murder of Patrice Emery Lumumba, through the generalised kleptocracy and alienation of the long Mobutu years to today’s misrule characterised by lack of any public goods, regular mass rapes, killings and looting by the very forces supposed to protect the populace?More than 50 years after formal independence, how do you continue to feel comfortable remaining under international tutelage and seeing your unequalled natural resources continuing to enrich shareholders of a few Western and South African corporations, even as your country’s human development index is better only than that of Somalia among all the world’s nations?Are all these failures caused by Rwanda? Honestly?Mwene Kalinda, KigaliReaction to the story, "Africa should not continue being a plunderers’ paradise”, (Editorial – Sunday Times, September 8)