What Tanzania should have learnt from 1994 Genocide

Editor,I am sincerely sorry for my Tanzanian brothers and sisters who are hounded out of their country inhumanely. However, do not expect any apology from the Tanzanian government. The top leadership thought that they were teaching Rwandans a lesson by just using physical and facial features as a criterion to expel the so-called illegal immigrants, only to find that even Tanzanians have been affected.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Editor,I am sincerely sorry for my Tanzanian brothers and sisters who are hounded out of their country inhumanely. However, do not expect any apology from the Tanzanian government. The top leadership thought that they were teaching Rwandans a lesson by just using physical and facial features as a criterion to expel the so-called illegal immigrants, only to find that even Tanzanians have been affected.The top Tanzanian leadership should have learnt from their close friends the FDLR who used the same stereotypical approach before and during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi only to find that sometimes they were murdering their own brothers and sisters!Remember, we Africans are brothers and sisters. But since the Tanzanian government wants to get rid of people who are said to resemble or are related to "Tutsis”, we are expecting more of such people to be expelled to Rwanda, and for us we will receive and treat them as our brothers and sisters. Long live EAC.Kamatari L, Eastern Province, RwandaReaction to the story, "Over 70 wrongly evicted Tanzanians return home”, (Sunday Times, September 15)