Sustained ICT revolution will help accelerate development

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Rwanda has taken giant leaps over the last ten years, thanks mainly to the government’s resolve to use the sector as a catalyst to sustainable development.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Rwanda has taken giant leaps over the last ten years, thanks mainly to the government’s resolve to use the sector as a catalyst to sustainable development.The entire country is wired up with optic fibre in anticipation of turning into the ICT hub of the region. Nearly all government services have gone Hi-Tech, all one needs in order to get a particular service is to log on the net.Now the government wants to go a notch higher by strengthening the use of ICT in delivering and improving services to the public via e-Government.Even though the country is well served by internet, the government feels it is not enough. It has announced that beginning next week, internet services will become even better, with its availability wherever many people congregate.The centres will allow the public to access government services without their physical presence, thereby saving valuable time. That is the spirit, and people should be encouraged to come on board in order to take active part in government decisions.Few African countries have embraced the use of ICT as this country has, but as President Paul Kagame likes to point out, where other countries are walking, Rwanda should be running because it cannot afford the luxury of lagging.The road remaining to travel is still long, but there is no doubt that we are on the right track, it’s just a matter of time because the will is there.