Kagame nominates new prosecutor general

President Paul Kagame has nominated candidates for top posts within the Judiciary, including the Prosecutor General and High Court president.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

President Paul Kagame has nominated candidates for top posts within the Judiciary, including the Prosecutor General and High Court president.The nominees are subject to Senatorial approval.The President made the nominations in consultation with the Cabinet and the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, according to a statement released after Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting.Richard Muhumuza and Agnes Mukagashugi are the nominees for the positions of prosecutor general and deputy prosecutor general, respectively.If confirmed by the Senate after a hearing, Muhumuza will replace Martin Ngoga, who has served only half of his second term.Should Mukagashugi get the senators nod, she will replace Alphonse Hitiyaremye, who was nominated, alongside two others, as a Supreme Court judge. Both Muhumuza and Mukagashugi are currently senior prosecutors at the National Public Prosecution Authority. Both the prosecutor general and the deputy have a term of five years renewable once.Charles Kaliwabo, the spokesperson of the Judiciary, was nominated to the position of the President of the High Court, which has been practically vacant since the now-Justice minister Johnston Busingye moved to EAC as a principle judge more than a year ago.Emmanuel Kamere was nominated president of the Commercial Court, with Fanfan Rwanyindo Kayirangwa nominated to deputise him.Kamere, once approved by the Senate, will take over from Benoït Gakwaya Gatete who was nominated as a Supreme Court judge. Another nominee for Supreme Court (judge) is Justin Gakwaya.AppointeesMeanwhile, the Cabinet meeting also appointed former EAC ministry permanent secretary George William Kayonga as director general, National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB), replacing Corneille Ntakirutimana, who was acting.Dr Papias Malimba Musafiri, the Acting Rector of the School of Finance and Banking (SFB), was named board chairperson of the Energy, Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) with Clementine Umugwaneza named deputy chair.Musafiri and Umugwaneza replace Robert Bayigamba and Fabien Majoro, respectively.In Media High Council, Alphonse Nkusi was named board chair while Peacemaker Mbungiramihigo replaces Emmanuel Mugisha as executive secretary.Vianney Kagabo becomes the first director general of the Agaciro Development Fund (AgDF).