Its good that Govt ordered review of student loans scheme

Editor, frankly speaking, this new loan policy should be revised given that it negatively affects higher education and creates quite a stir within the population.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Frankly speaking, this new loan policy should be revised given that it negatively affects higher education and creates quite a stir within the population.

How can we pretend that a student whose  parents are in category 3 or 4 of Ubudehe and whose survival depends solely on subsistence agriculture, can secure Rwf300,000 for paying half tuition, and in addition find another Rwf250,000 for upkeep? This is absolutely unfair.

Many parents are now very concerned about the future of their children (students) who cannot continue their studies due to this new loan policy.

The Minister for Education should now visit every higher learning institution and see with his own eyes the number of students (and they are many) who did not register given that they were not able to pay.

We implore the Government of Rwanda to examine this serious issue and find a suitable solution.

John, KigaliRwanda

Reaction to the story, "Government orders review of student loans criteria”, (The New Times, September 11)