Women can of course be physically stronger than men

Editor, programmes that empower women are about intellectually uplifting women. Arguably these programmes might have contributed partially to misunderstandings “but” to suggest that a woman “cannot” physically be stronger than a man is pure ignorance.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Programmes that empower women are about intellectually uplifting women. Arguably these programmes might have contributed partially to misunderstandings "but” to suggest that a woman "cannot” physically be stronger than a man is pure ignorance.

There are a number of factors that can lead to situations such as these, and I will not get into them at this time. But these instances where women  physically and emotionally abuse their partners, are a prime example of how careful we need to be when importing some of the foreign models of democracy we hastily tend to embrace, without weighing their impact on cultures such as ours.

Shabaka, TorontoCanada

Reaction to the story, "GBV; when men are on the receiving end”, (Society Magazine, September 6)