Land owners told to learn new laws

NORTHERN PROVINCE BURERA — Knowing new laws governing land ownership is vital for land owners, a land official has said.

Friday, July 18, 2008


BURERA — Knowing new laws governing land ownership is vital for land owners, a land official has said.

Espérance Mukamana, a land registrar in the Ministry of Lands, said that knowledge of current land laws prevents family conflicts and ensures sustainable use of the available land.

She was opening a round table meeting of Sector agronomists drawn from across Burera district. The meeting was also attended by members of a farmers’ cooperative, Urugaga Imbaraga.

It was meant to asses the role of participants in solving land conflicts in the rural communities, after undergoing training on land laws last year.

According to Aloys Nabonibo, of Urugaga Imbaraga, the cooperative has been conducting meetings with local authorities and agricultural engineers on merging plots of land and agricultural transformation.

Mukamana warned that economic revolution will not be successful unless proper handling and utilisation of land is attained.

She called for quick intervention of district land commissions to register all the land and also carry out sensitisation of residents on land laws.

Land wrangles constitute a high percentage of cases handled by courts, and have been blamed for various crimes.
