Modern technology and investing in farming, the effective way to curb food insecurity

Editor,I wish to respond to Edward Ojulu’s column, “Hard to tame inflation with rain-dependent farming”, published in The New Times edition of September 6.

Friday, September 06, 2013

Editor,I wish to respond to Edward Ojulu’s column, "Hard to tame inflation with rain-dependent farming”, published in The New Times edition of September 6.The author made a good point when it came to encouraging our farmers to produce during the whole year; it is an excellent idea. For the last 20 years the population in the region has almost doubled, yet farming capacity has remained at the same level.I think the best way to tackle food inflation is to increase production, not only by urging farmers to produce during all seasons, but also by making sure we can get more production from the same land. The way to do this is to embrace the use of technology in agriculture and animal husbandry.It is very sad to see a nation, like Rwanda, with more than 80% of its population being farmers and still can be struck by food insecurity and famine. How come? The government should encourage the use of modern farming technology. Investors should invest in farming as well.Jean-Léon Iragena, United States