Kagame, Kikwete talks a sign of commitment to peace

Editor,I congratulate President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and his counterpart President Jakwaya Kikwete of Tanzania for making us proud following a meeting they had on the sidelines of the ICGLR summit in Kampala on Thursday. Neighbours can live happily when they are communicating. We thank God for answering our prayers.

Friday, September 06, 2013
Rwandan foreign minister Louise Mushikiwabo (C) with her Ugandan counterpart Sam Kuteesa (L) and Ugandan defence minister Crispus Kiyonga at the ICGLR summit in Kampala on Septembe....

Editor,I congratulate President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and his counterpart President Jakwaya Kikwete of Tanzania for making us proud following a meeting they had on the sidelines of the ICGLR summit in Kampala on Thursday. Neighbours can live happily when they are communicating. We thank God for answering our prayers.Problems are inevitable, but the most important thing is the spirit behind when addressing them. The media should be used for the right cause to educate and preach peace all the time instead of fueling conflicts among our leaders and nations. When media allow readers to comment on different articles published online, it is an excellent thing, but unfortunately, some few individuals have abused this privilege.The media should play a big role in educating readers and those commenting on how their comments can affect relationships among citizens and their neighbours.  God bless Rwanda, God Bless Tanzania.Jonathan Mwakijele, Nairobi***************************What a reasonable good gesture this act is – congratulations! I commend the two presidents for the noble approach of meeting; whose purpose I guess is to ostensibly iron out pertinent issues of security and immigration.This decision to meet should be hailed and emulated by all EAC leaders. The world is continuously in chaos, and thus requires incessant unwavering actions to direct it rightly. Who on this planet is infallible? What matters is putting things back to normalcy.Bravo your Excellencies!Robert, Arusha, TanzaniaReactions to the story, "Kagame, Kikwete hold talks”, (The New Times, September 6)