Suspected fraudsters apprehended in Musanze District

Police in Musanze District have arrested four people, including two women who attempted to con a man of Rwf15 million in a fake house purchase transaction. The house is in Kimihurura, Gasabo District in Kigali.

Friday, September 06, 2013

Police in Musanze District have arrested four people, including two women who attempted to con a man of Rwf15 million in a fake house purchase transaction. The house is in Kimihurura, Gasabo District in Kigali.The suspects were arrested on Thursday in a bar in Musanze as they tried to strike an imaginary deal with the would-be victim, identified as Noel Kahinda.They are currently detained at Muhoza Police Station.According to police investigation, one of the suspects, a house broker in Kigali took Kahinda to the house in Kimihurura and gave him contacts of one of the women suspects, claiming she was the house owner.The would-be victim then got in touch with the ‘house owner’ to confirm the value of the house and payment procedures.The self-styled proprietor, posing under fake names then contacted another person who helped her to forge the premises’ land title and her national identification.Suspecting that he had been duped, Kahinda informed police to investigate the house ownership, which turned out that it wasn’t hers.The quartet was arrested red-handed as they tried to get the money from Kahinda. The suspects confessed to the crime, but pointed fingers at each other.Chief Superintendent Francis Gahima, the Northern Region Police Spokesperson, said the suspects will be charged with forgery and swindling.Under Article 318 of the penal code any person who intentionally obtains a property belonging to another person fraudulently or by using false names or qualities to give rise to hope or fear of harm and obtains a part or whole of a fortune shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of three to five years and a fine of Rwf3 million to Rwf5 million.Forgery attracts a term of imprisonment of more than five to seven years and a fine of Rwf300, 000 to Rwf3 million.CSP Gahima said counterfeiting and swindling are not common crimes in the Northern Province. But he asked citizens to be more vigilant to avoid falling victims of conmen.