Sustained security, devt top RPF-led coalition agenda

Supporters of RPF-Inkotanyi in Masaka Sector, Kicukiro District, took an afternoon off Wednesday to celebrate the party’s achievements in governance and pitch the party’s political agenda to other residents in the area as they continue to canvass for votes ahead of the forthcoming parliamentary elections.

Friday, September 06, 2013
RPF-Inkotanyi supporters (above) jubilate at a rally in Masaka Sector in Kicukiro District on Wednesday. Below, the coalition parliamentary candidates campaign. The New Times/ Tim....

Supporters of RPF-Inkotanyi in Masaka Sector, Kicukiro District, took an afternoon off Wednesday to celebrate the party’s achievements in governance and pitch the party’s political agenda to other residents in the area as they continue to canvass for votes ahead of the forthcoming parliamentary elections.For the hundreds of residents and party supporters who turned up at Masaka Sector headquarters, the party has done a lot to build Rwanda through security and socio-economic  development in the country.They repeatedly waved the party’s flags and sung victory songs as RPF commissioners and candidates on the party’s endorsed list reminded them of the good the party has done, promising to do more if given mandate in the legislature.Party officials and candidates called upon the voters to trust that choosing RPF in the forthcoming parliamentary elections means access to good roads, potable water, and healthcare as well as justice, political stability, and economic development.The Chairperson of RPF in the City of Kigali, Fidèle Ndayisaba, said he had trust residents of Masaka will overwhelmingly vote RPF in the elections slated for September 16, owing to what has been achieved in the sector under the party’s leadership."It is clear that people in Masaka know what to do on Election Day,” he said. "RPF has proved that it will never let Rwandans down. RPF is the only political party that is capable of taking Rwandans where they want and to the development levels they wish to achieve.”Buoyant expectationsMany residents are already expecting the RPF-led government to on construct a road that connects the area to Kabuga trading centre.They were also grateful for a health centre that was recently built in the area, among many other development projects that have been initiated in their neighbourhood.But some of them are also aware that any Member of Parliament that they will elect will have to ensure advocacy for improved service delivery for subscribers of the community healthcare insurance scheme Mutuelle de Santé.Sonia Macari, a mother of two, said she is a long-time member of RPF and pleaded with the party’s next MPs to ensure that their health centres have more doctors, equipment and medicine."It is really an issue. They (doctors in public clinics) rarely diagnose any ailments when we take our children and they don’t allow us access to effective medicine,” she said. "I don’t know what problem they have but the service is poor.”The Senate in March requested the government to set up an independent organ to manage the country’s community-based health insurance scheme (Mutuelle de Santé) to improve its services.Senators had discovered that the scheme had issues in both mobilisation of funds from the general population and the disbursement of the funds to health care providers."They (RPF) have done a lot. They now need to fine-tune what they have achieved. It would be good if more people can have access to water and electricity,” said Frank Turatsinze.Elections by universal suffrage for the 53 openly contested parliamentary seats are scheduled for September 16.Campaigns in GakenkeMeanwhile on the same day, thousands of residents of Gakenke District promised to overwhelmingly vote RPF at a rally in Mataba Sector, citing social transformation under the party’s leadership."RPF gave women equal rights as men, we had reached a point where we actually did not know our rights. At the moment, my children are studying without any problem and my family members are being treated thanks to Mutuelle, I see no reason why I should not vote for the party,” Pascasie Nyirabasayidiye an elderly woman said.Another supporter, Brigitte Imanimurinde, a senior four student in veterinary at ACD Mataba, said she had a reason to vote for RPF."The fact that I am studying as a girl means a lot, we are treated equally as our male counterparts and have gone on to get into fields that were male-dominated. Also, there is socio-economic transformation everywhere, we have electricity, clean water is available even in remote areas and we see the best is yet to come,” said Imanimurinde.Pierre Damien Hakizayezu, a parliamentary aspirant from Gakenke, assured voters of more changes for the better, once they vote for the party.He said that though the sector is a remote area and some parts still have no electricity, it would be a priority once he becomes a member of parliament."I know this area and other remote areas still need electricity and other basic infrastructure to further socio-economic development, once you give your votes to RPF and I join parliament,” he said.Deograthias Nzamwita, the chairperson of RPF in the district, said the party has achieved a lot and will continue to champion the development of Rwandans."What we are saying in these campaigns is not to just attract voters, our achievements speak for themselves and we have an ambitious development plans,” said Nzamwita.