Rwanda is secure!

Dear editor, Allow me to help and inform many out there who still claim that Rwanda is still insecure to visit or dwell in.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dear editor,
Allow me to help and inform many out there who still claim that Rwanda is still insecure to visit or dwell in.

We hear them all over the world preaching their wicked gospel that the country is both political and economically unstable because of her experience of the 1994 Genocide.

Fortunately, the country is not like what it is painted to be by some sadists. For instance, you will never hear shootings, bombings, or see armed civilians along the streets or villages. Rwandans walk day and night freely with no single sign of insecurity.

The country’s economic growth and political arena has changed tremendously. Thanks to the current government that has made it happen!

Rwanda is developing at a brisk rate. Its beautiful sceneries have attracted a massive list of tourists from all parts of the world, who also include the world’s most painted figures, like Bill Gates, who once visited the country’s mountain gorillas.

So, the facts on the ground are beyond the myths that go through people’s minds every time you mention Rwanda.

Folk lore asserts that a hungry lion will eat grass and Rwandans are no exception to this rule. They are hungrier to develop the country now more than ever before and certainly, Rwanda is destined for greater things.