UK should finally extradite Genocide suspects to Rwanda

Editor, United Kingdom’s legal system has the strongest and yet, sometimes, questionable legal system. Even when the state wishes them [fugitives] extradited under a MoU, much of it depends on courts and judiciary independence has seen people like Muqtada al-Sadr spend twenty years in the UK and yet both governments (UK and Iraq) had (extradition) MoUs.

Thursday, September 05, 2013


United Kingdom's legal system has the strongest and yet, sometimes, questionable legal system. Even when the state wishes them [fugitives] extradited under a MoU, much of it depends on courts and judiciary independence has seen people like Muqtada al-Sadr spend twenty years in the UK and yet both governments (UK and Iraq) had (extradition) MoUs.

I am not saying this to discourage but to prepare our Rwandan staff to prepare for a long battle and expect a lengthy appeal process before we can have these former bourgmestres (mayors) face the law and explain their role in the slaughter of more than a million innocent people under their eyes and leadership.

Deo, LondonUnited Kingdom

Reaction to the story, "Genocide suspects in UK set for extradition hearing”, (The New Times, September 4)