HRW chose to stay silent when FARDC shells killed Rwandans

Editor,THIS IS with reference to Joseph Rwagatare’s column, “DRC and the law of the jungle”, (The New Times, September 3).

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Editor,THIS IS with reference to Joseph Rwagatare’s column, "DRC and the law of the jungle”, (The New Times, September 3).It is comical, absurd and even beyond comprehension to see now these same "Human Rights Watch” and the alike that are always eager to crucify by all means anyone seeking justice and equality for the Kinyarwanda-speaking people in the Eastern DR Congo are behaving.Not surprisingly, they have been muzzled over last week’s indiscriminate shelling by the terrible coalition of axis of evil: FARDC, Monusco, FIB, and their FDLR allies into Rwanda, killing and wounding several Rwandan citizens in Rubavu, as a result.This so-called Human Rights Watching should be condemning these evildoing and provocative actions by the DRC regime and its evildoer allies. I wonder where are their customary chest and drum-beatings; why do they always look the other way when it comes to Rwandan and/or Kinyarwanda-speaking Congolese lives, in Rwanda or in Eastern Congo, for that matter.Shouldn’t they be "Human Rights Watchers” for them, too? Thank God, they are not.Gashagaza, United States