Chatroom: Does cheating mean you don’t care about your kids?

LolaI don’t for a second think cheating means you don’t care about your kids. It does make me question how someone who cheats feels about their partner, of course, but never their kids.

Friday, August 30, 2013

LolaI don’t for a second think cheating means you don’t care about your kids. It does make me question how someone who cheats feels about their partner, of course, but never their kids.JoanieI think that if you have young children and you’re cheating creates an unstable environment, you actively show you don’t care for your children. You show your children daily that your needs are more important than they are. However, if you are able to cheat without creating chaos in your children’s lives then it isn’t a problem. It is better not to cheat though. If you can create an open marriage situation it isn’t necessary.I don’t think cheating doesn’t mean you don’t care about your kids. As long as you spend time with them and take care of them you are a good parent. Now my dad had an affair and would sell my things so he had money to spend on her. That was not cool. Of course, he had many other issues and was a bad father in general. If he would just had a one night stand I doubt I would have known or cared.HenryChildren create the bond in the family or in a relationship. They become much more stronger hand cuffs than the small rings we wear on our fingers. Anything you day that strains your relationship amounts to disrespect for your child. Domestic violence, abuses, etc. Now, add cheating and it gets worse. Anyone who think that cheating has nothing to do with children should try this: the next time you are out there trying to mount offside, try to get your brain to think about your children. If your conscience won’t gnash at you right on top of that woman, then you are really a wasted case. It simply means your conscience has gone beyond repair.MugishaMy dad cheated my mum cheated and i honestly didn’t feel they didn’t care about me. I knew even as a child it wasn’t to do with me, so many arguments and fights, police cars, etc and I still knew it wasn’t about me, yet hearing it said to you messes with your head so bad!PatI would give a bold yes. Do you know why we women tend to get jealous of our children when our hubby seem to love them more than they love us? Would a child really feel comfortable with their cheating parents? If they wouldn’t, it means they feel the pain, though they won’t speak out.

Children are out biggest assets and gifts on earth. Our spouses have less value compared to our children. In fact, when you cheat, you are not doing so against your wife, but against your child. Real men say cheating is like raping the sanctity of their children.