Sweeping DRC problems under carpet a dangerous game

Editor,This is with reference to Gaspard Safari’s column, “Congo and the price of provocation”, published in The New Times edition of August 30.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Editor,This is with reference to Gaspard Safari’s column, "Congo and the price of provocation”, published in The New Times edition of August 30.Let me begin by congratulating the author for an insightful piece.The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi took place before the eyes of the international community. As if that was not enough, the UN itself, by fighting alongside the FDLR genocidaires who openly massacred more than a million innocent people in Rwanda, is now indirectly participating in another genocide plot targeted at the Tutsis in DRC.But I can tell you that gone are those days where "never again” could not be upheld.In addition, with the UN troops choosing war instead of peace, they are now party to the ongoing hostilities and have therefore lost the neutrality tag.It is revealing that the M23 rebels consistently call for negotiations while the DRC government, with the help of the most powerful among the international players, have resisted and turned a deaf ear to the otherwise ideal and peaceful resolution of the conflict. M23 rebels might be crushed but another rebellion will certainly break out as long as the underlying causes of the conflict are deliberately being swept under the carpet.Ali, Kigali