When security serves no purpose!

Ever since metal detector machines came to Rwanda, every storey__ building seems to have it at the entrance like some sort of decoration. Some even have the hand held metal detectors.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ever since metal detector machines came to Rwanda, every storey__ building seems to have it at the entrance like some sort of decoration. Some even have the hand held metal detectors. On top of all this machinery, they have about three guards standing by.  Sometimes I really wonder what their purpose is because very often, they just stand there engrossed in chit chat instead of doing their job!  One thing they are mighty good at is asking "what is in that bag?” as if anyone will say that they have dangerous weapons on them! At the mention of the word laptop, they immediately pull out their book and ask you to register it. Whatever other thing is in the bag, they could care less. Besides, there is no book to register anything else anyway! One day, I entered one of the big buildings in Kigali; there were some security guards and a police man around. I found them engaged in conversation so I just put my bag on the side, walked through the machine and pretended to be in a hurry. When they asked me what I had in my bag, I responded in English. They looked at me in confusion. I pulled out my phone, picked up a call and walked away.  I don’t know if it was my Smart phone that intimidated them or the fact that I was dressed really well or maybe even the fact that I spoke English! On my way out, I found them thoroughly checking an old man and I have no clue why!  Now back to the metal detectors. They go off when they sense anything metallic. There is also the basket where you drop your keys, phone and perhaps coins that you may have. Most of the time these guys are so absentminded that you could easily place a sharp and potentially harmful object in the basket ,walk through, get it back, wish them a nice day and walk away. It appalls me how lightly these people take their jobs. Do they realise how easy it could be for someone to sneak in a gun or other deadly weapon? There shouldn’t be time for any unnecessary chit chat at these places and simply asking someone about the contents in their bag as if they expect utmost honesty from everyone is a damn shame because a laptop is the least of their worries!