Has technology affected interaction and creativity? ( No, it has improved our lifestyle)

On several occasions, I’ve heard people say that technology is affecting our creativity. Some even go ahead to insist that we are losing our sense of narration and storytelling. It’s not like this at all. If technology has in fact affected our creativity, it is in a positive way. We are simply experiencing the shift from traditional storytelling to the changing times.

Thursday, August 29, 2013
Patrick Buchana

On several occasions, I’ve heard people say that technology is affecting our creativity. Some even go ahead to insist that we are losing our sense of narration and storytelling. It’s not like this at all. If technology has in fact affected our creativity, it is in a positive way. We are simply experiencing the shift from traditional storytelling to the changing times. Thanks to technology, the world is now a global village because of sharing data. When I talked to a friend about this, she said because of technology, all people do is copy and paste with inertia to invent, but I totally disagree with her. For a smart person, it’s called learning from the best to make something better. Ancient scientists used their predecessors’ theories to develop what we call great innovations today. If it wasn’t for the advancement in technology, I wouldn’t be sharing this article with you if I had no laptop. This isn’t affecting creativity; technology has simply helped me do something I wouldn’t have been able to do if there were no computers! Just a few days back, I got a chance to meet the team working on Rwandapedia - the Rwandan Wikipedia in layman’s terms. It stores data right from the sources onto the digital space. 100 years from now, my great grand children will have access to this data and even learn lessons from it, in opposition to the way our grandparents told us stories back in the day. As time goes on, the viability of the oral communication stories keeps fading. Other than data, technology has created a platform to infinity imagination for any man. Every day, someone comes up with something new that makes life better - an app, software and so much more. If you are lazy, then obviously you can make use of someone else’s creativity and stop thinking, but for any sane person, you have to appreciate what has been invented, and learn from it to make something better and that is exactly what people have been doing since time immemorial. I understand that technology has made so many people lazy. Verbal communication can only be whispered these days seeing as we have all these social media platforms taking up what used to be solid human interaction. It shouldn’t be blamed on technology though, but people’s inability to keep in touch with what’s really important.