I keep thinking about my ex!

I was in a relationship with my ex for almost two years. We broke up because things had changed between us. He flirted with other girls and stopped spending as much time as he used to with me. To fill the void in my heart, I started a new relationship. He is very caring and loves me a lot.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I was in a relationship with my ex for almost two years. We broke up because things had changed between us. He flirted with other girls and stopped spending as much time as he used to with me. To fill the void in my heart, I started a new relationship. He is very caring and loves me a lot.

Many times I tell myself that my relationship with my ex is in the past, but our memories are still with me. I have been with my current boyfriend for a year but sometimes I think of my ex and it really affects me.

Recently my ex and I started talking and he admitted that he still loves me a lot. He wants me back. Should I break up with my boyfriend

Aline, 27

Pursue happiness and contention boldly

The best thing about you Aline is that you are honest; you can admit boldly that you still care about your ex.  You only live once, you ought to be happy. You cannot get ahead when you are always looking at the rear view mirror. It seems to had a nice time with your ex boyfriend. You must have found happiness by his side even when he disappointed you. 

Although it would seem like a crude decision to get back to someone who disappointed you, it will make you happy. 

You should do it, but be careful since you have been hurt before. Take time to see how he has changed and if he is sincere.  If your current boyfriend really cares about you, he will understand that you will never find happiness by his side. He will let you seek happiness where you think it is.  All the best, Aline, I hope you find what you are looking for.

Collins, 26, is married


Your ex had his chance

You don’t want to hurt your current boyfriend but you are already doing so by taking time to talk to your ex, when clearly you know you have feelings for him. There are many lessons to be learned from your story. The first thing is that you jumped into a rebound relationship before getting over your ex.  

Your new boyfriend sounds like a really devoted and loving man. I know you love your ex BUT big warning bells are ringing off on my end. There is a saying that goes, don’t allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence. Use your brain.  

You loved a guy who flirted with other women while with you, now how many do you think he slept with when he wasn’t with you. Meanwhile, you have a guy who loves you and treats you so much better and you want to leave him? What makes you think that your ex is reformed?

He says he loves you. So what? He had his chance. Make a choice but I suggest you put him behind you and focus on making it work with the man you are with.

Patrick, 22, is in a stable relationship


You are one confused individual

To be in love with your ex and then hang with the new guy is so unfair to the three of you. If you love your ex, find a way of telling your current guy your situation and stop leading him on and wasting his time. 

You should break it off until you figure this out or get over your ex. It is okay to be friends with your ex but don’t go playing around with people’s feelings like that.  

You should do it now because in my view it has already been too long. If he’s that good a guy he’ll understand; he will be hurt but he will understand and with time he will get over you. 

But the most important thing you need is time to get to know yourself. Please get a break from the relationship and learn more about yourself because you are clearly one confused individual!

Martin, 29, is single