Let us all be a bit more mature

A lot of column topics stem from conversations I have had with friends in the last week or so. I try to always get down to the psychological reasoning of actions because that is what will make sense to me especially when it comes to the actions of the male species.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A lot of column topics stem from conversations I have had with friends in the last week or so. I try to always get down to the psychological reasoning of actions because that is what will make sense to me especially when it comes to the actions of the male species.

I know a lot of times, as women, we will never completely understand the male mind and vice versa due to the intricacies of the human mind but to a certain extent, I feel like I have managed to find a way to try and understand the actions of the men that surround me and if I don’t, I pretend I do.  

Lately, a guy friend’s girlfriend has been posting pictures of them on their summer adventures. Please note that this couple is cohabitating, and both their families approve of their relationship. This man got a lot of harassment from his friends. This group of guys made the guy feel horrible about these pictures especially the ones that featured some PDA.

I am pretty confused about why these grown men would make fun of these pictures to the point where they suggested his girl should have never put them up. One of them insists that PDA is a sign of insecurity.

Personally, I am all for PDA. There are limits to its extent in public because people should still feel comfortable around you but to connect PDA and insecurity is simply ridiculous. What would be the point of wedding rings, or even commitment ceremonies that everyone is so happy to attend? These are all signs of public display of affection.

In commitment ceremonies, you are publicly declaring your commitment to your partner, is that a sign of insecurity? We are all growing up and getting into more serious relationships whereby people will know you as a couple.

Some couples do enjoy hanging out together and publicly showing that they are in fact an item while some would rather hide their relationships and only hang out within the confines of their own home and even show up to events separately.

To the person who prefers a bit more privacy what if I was to tell you, that your relationship style shows that you are embarrassed of your relationship/partner and it actually kind of indicates that you want to continue playing the field so you don’t want people to know your current relationship status?

Well I guess I will never really understand why certain men think the way they do. I do appreciate the fact that I have been with men that are not trying to hide me in the home and actually want me to be seen with them in public and do enjoy my company.

Like I said, to each their own but I just hope those men who hide their girls do it as an equal understanding with their woman and a one sided decision. What do you ladies think? Do you understand the actions of your man?