You’ve got to groom your man

Women have been known to be particular in the issues of grooming but they have also been known to complain and criticize anything short of their expectations. Men on the other hand feel good when they walk around and get compliments on how good they look. This however does not happen by wishful thinking; determination and enthusiasm are a must. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Women have been known to be particular in the issues of grooming but they have also been known to complain and criticize anything short of their expectations. Men on the other hand feel good when they walk around and get compliments on how good they look. This however does not happen by wishful thinking; determination and enthusiasm are a must. 

A wise woman makes sure that her man has enough under garments; a minimum of ten of each that include underwear, vests, and socks. Ensure that these garments are brightly coloured and can easily show dirt.  

If your man dons oversized underwear do not blame him, blame it on bashfulness. Statistics show that very few men are comfortable walking into a store and choosing under garments hence looking for the right size is out of the question. 

Every so often it is good to have that chat about your preferences in regards to what he wears and how comfortable he feels. Thereafter, make your suggestions. Do not impose as that will only lead to rejection. If he is comfortable with what you suggest then take it upon yourself to purchase what you have chosen.

Always ensure that your man is well dressed and his clothes, well pressed and clean. Cleanliness begins from his body. Make it your business to have the right shaving cream, shaver, shower gel and spoil him with a good scented aftershave every so often.

Never ask a man if he will take a bath… most of them will not say no but instead say later - which comes down to no in a polite way. Instead, always have the bathroom ready and say something like ‘honey your water is ready’.  

And if you make it a point to be part of the showering experience, he will always look forward to that moment!