Mentors receive ICT gadgets

Sixty mentors have received laptops, projectors and modems from the Rwanda Education Board (Reb), USAID-funded Literacy, Language, and Learning (L3), and FHI 360.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sixty mentors have received laptops, projectors and modems from the Rwanda Education Board (Reb), USAID-funded Literacy, Language, and Learning (L3), and FHI 360. This was at the end of a one-week ICT training in Nyamata Sector, Bugesera District, in Eastern Province.       The beneficiaries are part of the school-based mentoring (SBM) programme Reb started last year to provide Primary One to Senior Three teachers across the country with continuous professional development to ultimately impact learning outcomes. "This programme was started as a follow-up to the step taken in making the English the medium of instruction in our schools,” said Damian Ntaganzwa, the head of Reb’s Teacher Development and Management department. Officials said each of the 60 senior mentors work with 16 SBMs, who support teachers at two schools, specifically on English language and pedagogy.    Reb said modems will allow mentors access forums through its portal, where they will access resources, discuss challenges with other mentors as well as having a direct communication with officials. "As they (teachers) watch they learn better, rather than you telling them,” said Betty Mukashema, a senior mentor, who will be based in Nyarugenge District.   At the training, mentors explored Microsoft Word, Excel, and the Internet, particularly for accessing online forums set up for mentors. "I am now confident in dealing with ICT after this training and I am sure I will impact many in this field,” said Adnan Aluma, from Uganda. The L3 Initiative is funded by United States Agency for International Development and implemented by Education Development Center, in partnership with Reb and Voluntary Services Overseas, Concern Worldwide, International Education Exchange, and the Peace Corps.