PL campaigns in Ruhango

Several parliamentary candidates from the Liberal Party (PL) yesterday campaigned in Ruhango District, Southern Province. Campaigns officially kicked off on Monday.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Incumbent MP Evariste Kalisa leads a morale boosting session during the rally in Ruhango. The New Times/ Jean de la Croix Tabaro

Several parliamentary candidates from the Liberal Party (PL) yesterday campaigned in Ruhango District, Southern Province. Campaigns officially kicked off on Monday.Speaking at Ruhango Central Market, party president Protais Mitali, who spent the night in Rusizi District on Monday, outlined the party objectives as promoting liberty, justice and development.He said that unlike in the past, the political environment in the country is accommodative of dissenting constructive ideas, including in Parliament."We want to win a sizeable number of seats in Parliament and I believe we shall make it because we made it in 2003 and 2008,” said Mitali.In the last Parliament, which was dissolved early this month, PL had four representatives.Ruhango residents said they appreciate the policies promoted by PL but called upon the party to play a bigger role in improving the livelihood of households.Faustin Rugendo, who says he has been a member of PL for the past eight years said; "the party tries to fight injustice, especially at grass roots.”Meanwhile, Beatrice Bankundiye said farmers, needed advocacy to ensure their produce fetches more."We grow beans, cassava, and coffee. We do not get a good price for our coffee yet it takes a lot of work,” she said."It would be a lie if we promised as a party that we would do anything alone, but if Rwandans vote for us, our voice, together will have a big impact,” said the party vice president Francois Byabarumwanzi who was once the mayor of Ruhango.Around 40 of the 64 candidates on the party list attended the Ruhango rally.