Re-set Remera traffic lights

Dear editor,I want to pass my request to city authorities in charge of traffic lights.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dear editor,
I want to pass my request to city authorities in charge of traffic lights.

This refers particularly to those in Remera city suburb. These traffic lights in the Giporoso main round-about have greatly confused drivers to the extent of causing accidents.

When the traffic lights turn ‘red’, stopping vehicles coming from the city center and Kacyiru road, the other traffic lights for those coming from Kigali International Airport and Kayonza-Kigali high way simultaneously turn ‘green’.

This causes confusion as drivers from either side waits for the other to pass.

This has become a worrying issue to many, especially drivers and motorists.

Those concerned should take quick actions to reset these traffic lights before any more accidents occur.
