ATRACO please help us

Dear editor,It has come to my attention that may be an association of Taxi men do not know what is going on.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dear editor,
It has come to my attention that may be an association of Taxi men do not know what is going on.

I come from kimisagara every morning but if you live in that side of this city, you will know what I mean, when I say that it takes one two hours to get to town a distance of less than 10 kilometers.

Does surely ATRACO know that it is its primary responsibility to see every Rwandan get to his destination? People don’t care how much you are going to charge them, in the morning they only want to get to their destinations.

Those who are employed face it hot with their bosses, at times getting warning letters, as if it is their making to be late.

I therefore appeal to ATRACO to look for solutions before all employees including me are fired.
