Police College to pass out pioneer senior officers

The Police Senior Commandant and Staff College in Musanze District will tomorrow pass out the pioneer senior officers from 12 African countries who have completed a one-year course.

Friday, August 23, 2013
Some of the senior officers from 12 African countries that will be passed out tomorrow. Saturday Times/Courtsey.

The Police Senior Commandant and Staff College in Musanze District will tomorrow pass out the pioneer senior officers from 12 African countries who have completed a one-year course.The course, offered in partnership with the National University of Rwanda and the UK-based Bramshill College of Policing, includes a masters’ programme in peace studies and conflict transformation delivered by the NUR.It gives the officers more knowledge and skills in tactical policing and offers them a global understanding of peace and conflict dimension, according to Chief Superintendent Celestin Twahirwa, the deputy Commandant and programmes coordinator at the Police College.A total of 28 senior officers from Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, Djibouti, Zambia, Kenya, Somalia, Ghana, South Sudan,  Sudan and hosts, Rwanda completed the course.Twahirwa said the course provided a wide range of applicable knowledge that will enable them to fulfil their task as commanders in their respective countries."Those who are passing out have become our ambassadors and will help cooperate within the prevention of crimes,” he said.Participants said they have learnt a lot that they would apply to maintain security."We had many modules with relevant courses. We are being prepared to be leaders and being a leader requires to learn a lot. When I go back home, I will be able to implement what I have been learning here,” said Christine Alalo, an  assistant commissioner of police in Uganda."My message is that we are getting more interconnected , cross-border crimes are on the rise and we all need to train together and work together to manage security of our countries.”Twahirwa said the second intake will commence next month.