Would you share a bank account with your spouse? (No, anything could happen!)

With money being a sensitive topic in a relationship, I openly say that it’s not wise to share a bank account with your fiancé because anything could happen.

Thursday, August 22, 2013
Doreen umutesi

With money being a sensitive topic in a relationship, I openly say that it’s not wise to share a bank account with your fiancé because anything could happen.If you have experienced scenarios where the groom doesn’t show up for the wedding or the bride leaves the groom waiting at the altar and does not show up, then naturally you will agree that this isn’t the smartest of moves.You could have a simple fight over something since healthy relationships are characterised by misunderstandings and as payback, the angry party will go and withdraw everything from the account. What will you do?Sharing an account is not like splitting the bill at a dinner date. It can be tricky because you both have different priorities and different lifestyles. One may be comfortable just buying clothes every two years while the other has to shop everyday!When it comes to dating, there is a lot people cover up so as to be seen as the perfect spouse. So it’s imperative not to take such risks all in the name of love. Sharing an account means you will have access to each other’s income. What happens if one earns far more than the other? Or what if one of us has a loan? How do you work around that? ‘Should You Get a Joint Bank Account with Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend?’ an article by Steve Thompson states that you should know in your heart that he or she won’t run out as soon as you pool your resources and that you can trust them with the check card even when you aren’t there to supervise.The article further states that adding shared finances to an already rocky relationship is just asking for trouble, so make sure you’re ready for this level of commitment.Therefore before sharing an account with a fiancé it’s important to know that money does have the power to either make or break the relationship.I will suggest that it’s better to wait and share an account when you’re actually married. When you’re married you can create a budget, make specific priorities together as a family and always consult each before making outrageous purchases. Marriage is a lifetime commitment but courtship, anything could happen and there is no guarantee that one of you will not call off the engagement after spending the other’s finances!