Decision to reinstate French in schools a wise move

Editor,I cannot but congratulate Rwandan leadership for their wise decisions. In my view Rwanda should become a hub, a plaque tournante for plurilingualism of East Africa.

Thursday, August 22, 2013
Pupils at Kigali Public Library. The New Times / File.

Editor,I cannot but congratulate Rwandan leadership for their wise decisions. In my view Rwanda should become a hub, a plaque tournante for plurilingualism of East Africa.

As there is an increasing interest in learning French in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, Rwanda may send teachers of French to these countries in exchange of what Rwanda may be in need of.To promote the coexistence of French, Swahili and English among the East African Community (EAC) partner states, Rwanda and Burundi may take common actions by establishing language schools where linguistic mobility and code switching are taught in translation courses, etc.Furthermore, I would like to propose that the education of English and French are more harmonised, more coordinated. A vast part of English vocabulary is based on French expressions, so it would be easier for Rwandan students to learn English words by their original form in French, and French items as a base for English vocabulary.Western traditions are often focused on monologues, monotheism, neglecting the plurality of cultures. Africa is the continent where multiple forms of culture, religions and languages found a different tradition which is more likely to comply with the complexity of life. Way to go Rwanda.Kecke, Berlin, GermanyReaction to the story, "Stakeholders welcome reinstating French in national examinations” (Education Times, August 22)