Girl, your man needs space...

Men are like cell phones; for them to function well, they need to recharge.  Men have been accused of being insensitive, distant and God knows what else. I know that feeling when your man makes you feel like you are the only one who exists on earth. But when he suddenly takes the attention he centered on you elsewhere, just chill out and let him charge up.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Men are like cell phones; for them to function well, they need to recharge.  Men have been accused of being insensitive, distant and God knows what else. I know that feeling when your man makes you feel like you are the only one who exists on earth. But when he suddenly takes the attention he centered on you elsewhere, just chill out and let him charge up.

Men need space. This is a very normal process in any relationship; some people have dubbed it the rubber band experience and others, the cave moment.  For obvious reasons, these names are valid and explain the predicament.

After pouring all his attention on you, he feels worn out; like a solider from battle. He needs a break. Let him be, give him support if he asks, but the better part is to give him space. 

The next time your man slips into his cave do yourself and him a favour, do not chase after him, it always makes the situation worse. He feels pressured, nagged and his privacy not just rudely invaded but seriously disrespected too.  You may mean well but naturally, he will feel caged.

Let your man go and trust that he will come back. While he is gone, take the time to discover yourself too, recoup, rebrand, and revitalize yourself. Read books and catch up with new trends, get a hairdo or catch up with pals. But the rules of the game still remain, so do not completely disconnect. Speak his language, ask for help when you need it and make him feel like he is still in charge.