She needs a boyfriend, not a father!

So after carefully discussing this issue with some not so sane friends, I came to the conclusion that when men claim women are clingy and mother-like, what they don’t know is that some of their brothers have gracefully joined the wagon.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

So after carefully discussing this issue with some not so sane friends, I came to the conclusion that when men claim women are clingy and mother-like, what they don’t know is that some of their brothers have gracefully joined the wagon.

One girl couldn’t make it clearer just how irritating it is every time her man texts her to find out where she is. "What is he, my father?” she asked in a tone so vicious I was afraid to even give an answer. Apparently asking about whereabouts once a day is quite okay, but when he makes it a hobby, there is a problem.

This got me a little confused, as women love to complain about their men not being ‘caring enough’…however, the angry chick pointed out that her boyfriend had surpassed caring and had now become a full time investigator – literally beating her dad in that field! 

Another friend insisted that her man had picked up her father’s traits, going as far as demanding her to do chores like cleaning the dish she just used like she was a child. "I have never had a boyfriend who nagged me about leaving the scissors on the coffee table. Really? He tells me to eat when I don’t want to and accuses me of starving myself. He asks lots of questions about what I did through the day and the progress I made and for sure, it feels like a conversation with my dad,” she said.

She continued, "What kind of man has the time to analyze your friends to see which ones are good for you? I’m a grown woman…how do you come and tell me to stay away from certain people because they are not very good friends? Can he just stick to being my man and doing things boyfriends do instead of poking his nose where it does not belong?” The woman is clearly fed up. 

Whereas some women might love this kind of attention (probably even find it romantic), it sort of comes off as weird…that we have to agree on. I’m sure we all love our parents deeply but no one wants to feel like they are in a relationship with their parent! Gosh no! You can be protective of someone without behaving like the soldier father who wouldn’t hesitate to slash off a lad’s balls if he dared to go anywhere near his daughter. 

I’m sure at the beginning, his concern blows you away but when it turns into a full blown interrogation, it ceases to be cute! So, just so we are clear, once she’s out of the house and has kissed daddy goodbye, trust that the tears she shed when leaving do not mean she wants another daddy. If a guy insists on being one, then I suggest he hands her a packet of Huggies the night he asks her out, just so she knows what she’s getting herself into.