Look no further ladies; nothing is comparable to natural beauty

  Editor, I am a 61-year-old man from Norway and I found this interesting story from the online edition of The New Times. I fully agree with you that all these skin creams only make matters worse. But it is extremely rare to hear anyone saying so. And how time-consuming and (therefore) time-wasting!  

Wednesday, August 21, 2013



I am a 61-year-old man from Norway and I found this interesting story from the online edition of The New Times. I fully agree with you that all these skin creams only make matters worse. But it is extremely rare to hear anyone saying so. And how time-consuming and (therefore) time-wasting!

I think we basically are best the way God created us. When you mention the health benefits of getting enough sleep, I can’t agree more. Also because this is not only a benefit to healthy living, but emerging as a cause to more serious medical problems, such as psychic disorders of different kinds, muscle-related problems, heart-trouble and early aging. Doctors are now much more aware of how important sleep is to our health.

My bad habit is that I consume way too much soda, also caffeine drinks. But I love fruits. And you are lucky down there (in Africa) – you consume natural food and you have the best fruit in the world.

I have "lost” a bit of my heart to Rwanda, because of all the wonderful, fantastic and amazing gospel choirs you have. I am really overwhelmed, and probably I have yet to discover more beauty. I hope to visit your country some time. Hope that it is okay that I shared some thoughts with you.

God bless Rwanda.

Øystein HansenNorway

Reaction to the story, "Léoncie shares her bag of healthy tricks” (Healthy Times, August 19)