The count down to the Cultural fashion show is on. Frantic last minute preparations, like confirming the venue, designers and fitting models are in high gear.
The count down to the Cultural fashion show is on. Frantic last minute preparations, like confirming the venue, designers and fitting models are in high gear. The event will feature 10 Rwandan fashion designers. They will showcase their collections at the runaway show scheduled for August 30, at Sports View hotel in Remera."This is a platform for both experienced and upcoming fashion designers to showcase their materials,” Christian Nkubiri Habimana, one of the event’s organisers said.Just like any other fashion show, the Cultural fashion show will feature fashion designers from different walks of life, who will be showcasing their creations at the event."We have several mentors assisting us with the event, like local designers, fashion houses, clothing boutiques as well as modeling agencies. We also have fashion designers from Kenya and Asia,” he added.The event will focus on giving opportunities to local fashion designers to showcase their designs and share their ideas with international designers. It will also provide networking opportunities for designers and models.The best designer and best model will be recognized during the show. The entrance fee is Rwf3000 for the ordinary and Rwf8000 for the VIP wing.