Inspiration from our teachers

Some time back I wrote an article titled “Every good teacher is my hero” and I believe I shared that statement with a lot of students in this country particularly those at my school. One of the best qualities that I mentioned from my teachers is that they share with us life beyond classroom which is very essential if one is to be an extra-ordinary student.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Some time back I wrote an article titled "Every good teacher is my hero” and I believe I shared that statement with a lot of students in this country particularly those at my school. One of the best qualities that I mentioned from my teachers is that they share with us life beyond classroom which is very essential if one is to be an extra-ordinary student.And well many of our teachers note down a lot of things either through stories, quotes among others during lessons which I believe makes a great impact on lives of their students. I managed to note down some of the things that were said by my teachers that I believe offer a message of inspiration to all of us. Once, Teacher Dismas noted that; you can handle most problems because you know that only a little time stands between you and your goal. It may take ten applications to get the job you really want. The point is that you try and keep trying until you succeed. Concentrate on your major goal until you have achieved it. It is not what you did yesterday or what you may be doing today but it is what you are prepared to do every day. Teacher Nicholas told us to set goals with measurable progress. Putting in place criteria for measuring progress helps you to stay on track and make remarkable achievement within a given time frame. You should always have goals in your lives and plan to reach them. This can help you to work hard and keep away from things that might stop you from reaching your goals.Teacher Wilberforce noted that having a purpose makes one more selective and conscious of the people that he/she networks with. The type of  people with whom one networks and associates with play a significant role in helping him/her get to the desired goals. The wrong association in some cases may bring destruction and discouragement that could possibly result in a failure to fulfill a given purposeTeacher Davis always urged us to remember that our words set the direction for our lives. Change the way you speak and think about yourself and you can change your life’s direction. When you say you are a failure you will be one, you have to start making positive declarations about your own life. You should always believe big. The size of your belief determines the size of your success.This is some of the inspiration we get every single day from our teachers. In a way it influences our life choices and leads us towards becoming creative, knowledgeable and intelligent students.   The writer is a student at Kagarama Secondary School Form 6HEG