Could we have the law on LHDs changed?

Dear editor, Since we have joined the East African Community, I do not see why we cannot allow importation of RH vehicles. Most of our imports and exports pass through east African countries, which means that we use the roads often.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dear editor,

Since we have joined the East African Community, I do not see why we cannot allow importation of RH vehicles. Most of our imports and exports pass through east African countries, which means that we use the roads often.

Why then should we stick to importing expensive RH vehicles?

In our cheap and common market of Dubai, only RH vehicles are available and yet we cannot buy them because they are prohibited in our country.

Most of us who cannot afford the expensive European vehicles have opted to walking long distances or taking the inconvenience of using public transport.

Therefore, the government should come to our rescue and allow us to import vehicles from Dubai. When you weigh the advantages of banning the vehicles and the disadvantages, you realize that the former outweighs the latter.
