Mayor tips RPF members on wealth

NORTHERN PROVINCE GAKENKE — Members of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) in Janja sector, Gakenke district have been told to embrace government economic transformation initiatives in order to fight poverty.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


GAKENKE — Members of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) in Janja sector, Gakenke district have been told to embrace government economic transformation initiatives in order to fight poverty.

The call was made by the district Mayor Zephrin Ntakirutimana during a members’ first general assembly in the area. The sector has about 7000 registered members out of a total of 8000 residents.

Giving his presentation on Rwanda’s history, the mayor asked the residents to draw positive lessons from the country’s past and desist from acts that may fuel conflicts.
During the meeting, residents were asked to uproot the existing non productive banana plants in the district and replace them with cash crops such as maracuja and coffee in order to maintain the high quality products like Gakenke coffee which was ranked among the best coffee on the international market last year.

The occasion was highlighted by traditional music, dance, and poems. The ceremony also served to celebrate the Sector achievements including settling in settlements (midugudu), and fighting genocide ideology which was highly reported among residents in the district early this year.

Officials promised to extend electricity to the area before the year’s ends and to provide internet connection at different cafes. Once implemented the developments are geared at helping residents seeking market for their agro related products among other benefits.

Speaking at the same occasion, Senator Anastasie Zirasanabo called upon the party faithful to desist from negative thinking and adopt constructive developmental ideas in order to quicken their way to prosperity.    
