I hate people who...

I am really tired of these stupid people who think each time they mess up, the next step is to ‘call on the international community’ to do something? Where in the world did these people come from in the first place? 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

…create problems and call on others to solve them. I am really tired of these stupid people who think each time they mess up, the next step is to ‘call on the international community’ to do something? Where in the world did these people come from in the first place? Who told them that the so-called international community does not have its own problems to solve?

I cannot even understand how these people came to the conclusion that they are not part of the international community themselves. Why don’t they just solve their problems themselves since when they were creating them they never called the international community to assist them? Yes, you know yourselves so stop looking over your shoulders. 

…think they are experts on things happening miles away. I just do not understand why someone living in Kimisagara can think that being on Facebook and Twitter means they can be experts on events happening in Egypt or Syria.

These jokers think that watching Al Jazeera for an hour amounts to a postgraduate degree in the affairs of Egypt or Syria. As if that is not enough, these are the same people who barely know what is even happening in their own country.

I really feel sorry for the parents who spent money educating such jokers whose brains are clearly running on the wrong settings.  

…still wear white socks on black pants. Okay, I know you did not ask for my advice before you went for shopping. However, that does not mean I will spare you for this fashion faux pas. Yes, I know some French too.

Okay, I had digressed there but what I am trying to say is that people who dress like that ought to be flogged publicly. White socks are only meant for sports not for the office. Some of these jokers must have been fooled by the Michael Jackson videos not knowing that celebrities live with a different fashion code than the rest of us. Otherwise we would have women dressing like Lady Gaga as well. 

…always ask you the price of your possessions. It is really annoying when people formalise the practice of minding business that is not their own. For example, I keep seriously thinking about knocking out the teeth of jokers who like to ask me the price of any of my possessions.

The ones who see your phone and ask you how much it cost you then go on to ask you where you bought your shoes and how much they cost. Before you can even answer the fool is asking you how much your nice watch costs. Since when did our friendship include sneaky ways of assessing my income bracket? 

…have no life outside English Premier League football. I honestly think these people should just die since they seem not to even have a life right now. You are going to be seeing them again. The ones who wear Arsenal and Manchester United shorts and then talk about which team bought which player and who of them has a broken ligament etc.

These are the same jokers who will not talk to some of their friends on Mondays because ‘their’ team lost a game over the weekend. They go as far as using the cheap loyalty to a football club as a symbol of identity. Get a life!

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293