SOR set to benefit from Germany aid

Special Olympics Rwanda (SOR) is set to benefit from their Germany counterparts after a meeting held recently in Dublin, Ireland whose aim was to determine how best African children born with intellectual disabilities can be developed. According to Anaclet Ruzindana, SOR national director, Rwanda was drawn to get assistance from Germany because of the existing strong relationship between the two countries.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Special Olympics Rwanda national director Anaclet Ruzindana.

Special Olympics Rwanda (SOR) is set to benefit from their Germany counterparts after a meeting held recently in Dublin, Ireland whose aim was to determine how best African children born with intellectual disabilities can be developed.

According to Anaclet Ruzindana, SOR national director, Rwanda was drawn to get assistance from Germany because of the existing strong relationship between the two countries.

Special Olympics of Rwanda becomes the second local sports body with close relationship with their Germany counterparts after Rwanda’s football governing body (Ferwafa) have been benefiting from DFB in trying to develop the country’s football standards.

The meeting in Dublin that featured mostly African and European countries was mainly based on how the African countries can benefit from the developed countries focusing on children born with intellectual disabilities.

Other African countries that will benefit from this agenda include Malawi who will be coordinating with Switzerland, Morocco and South Africa that will be benefiting from Spain and Austria respectively.

Meanwhile, 24 local Special Olympic coaches attained the Level C licenses last weekend after completing a five-day trainers’ course held over at Ferwafa head-quarters, Remera.

The course for coaches for children born with intellectual disabilities in the country attracted 42 participants but only 24 obtained the desired grades.

Aloys Kanamugire, who is one of the instructors hailed the coaches and urged them to put in practice what the knowledge attained.

Special Olympics of Rwanda’s Anaclet Ruzidana remarked that each of the benefiting coaches will take charge immediately in the targeted areas that include; Musanze, Rulindo, Gakenke, Bugesera, Muhanga, Rubavu, Ngororero and Gasabo.
