Hush! My mood is swinging!

I don’t know why people keep on telling me to smile more often because somewhere inside my heart, I am convinced I am quite a cheerful individual.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I don’t know why people keep on telling me to smile more often because somewhere inside my heart, I am convinced I am quite a cheerful individual. Considering I seldom have grumpy moments, it beats my understanding how one can wake up in the morning, moody as hell, as if they had a fight in their sleep!I can’t tell you just how much it pisses me off when I jump out of my bed, happy as a clown to be alive another day, only for my cheery mood to be crushed by some cranky individual. Most times I am tempted to exercise my slapping skills just to give them something real to be touchy about!I know you can’t always hop around grinning from ear to ear but must the mood swings last all morning? I suppose that is why people think I don’t smile enough – it’s kind of hard for a sister to be merry when she’s been getting negative energy all morning, don’t you think?And I used to think guys were the merrier sex but one fellow strongly begs to differ. This dude left me under the impression that his ‘PMS’ just won’t quit –there is a very good chance he might have been born a woman! Because my mum told me never to be rude, I bored the guy with ‘hello’ and ‘what’s up’ as often as I could and in his mind, he probably wondered why the obvious ‘leave me alone’ attitude was so hard for me to wrap my brain around.So, after weeks of being courteous, I decided to reserve my ‘hello’ for people who don’t respond with what I imagine is the sound of an angry bear. I had actually even taken it personal, thinking the guy had issues with me but after listening to his trademark response, I confirmed his ‘PMS’ was far more complex than I ever imagined.So, here’s what we are going to do, my grouchy friends. I am a firm believer in ‘what you give is what you get’. If your mood is swinging in the morning, best believe mine will be swinging in the afternoon! And when mine swings, it goes so high; you can literally smell an alien fart on Pluto!Every morning you open your eyes, be happy that you are alive. It would be a shame if death crept up on you at night and you spent your last morning mad at the world for nothing. I’m not saying smile at every fool that pisses you off, but on the days when you have nothing to be mad about, how about a little sunshine? Is it really too much to ask?